Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What this country needs...

As I was reading about some female celebrities slamming Gov. Palin and hearing other news reports about who our country needs to lead us as the next President, I couldn't help but think all our country needs is JESUS!!! No other man (or woman) can ever restore our land or keep us safe or set us free from all the calamities that seem to keep coming and are coming more frequently. Take a look around us - all the natural disasters, all the violence, all the financial troubles, etc. I cannot help but think all we need is JESUS! This ole world is going down the drain and the only thing that even remotely helps me to want to keep on keeping on is knowing that my Redeemer is coming back one day. Oh, what a day that will be when we see Jesus - the one who saved me by His grace. No more sorrow, no more pain, no more sickness, no more violence, no more tears. I am ready for His return, more than any other time in my life, I wish He would come this very minute. Especially as I look at the world around me and then look at my babies. I don't even want to imagine what they must endure as they get older. But Christians that read the Bible and know the outcome don't have to worry or be down about this life . We know how it ends and this life isn't our home. Heaven is our home and this is only temporary. I have been so worried lately about Obama winning the election, I even told Brandon we may have to move to another country, that I became so concerned with how this country will turn with Obama in charge, not that my confidence in McCain is that strong either, but I support McCain and Palin. I can in no way support Obama and frankly do not understand how any Christian can even think about voting for him. I have finally accepted the fact the no matter how the election turns out, God is in control and He put who chose for this position in office, and I trust My God more than anything in my life, and I will not question that desicion. As Scripture states God hold kings hearts in His hand and can turn them how he chooses. Not the exact wording of the verse, but you get the idea. Just another example of how we humans think we have control over an election and low and behold we don't. Who do we think we are? Photobucket

1 comment:

Tara said...

I agree totally! I havent voiced my opinion on my blog, but it has been very hard to say the least. We just have to pray that the rest of the American people can wise up and realize this. Heaven help us all if Obama gets in office!