Monday, October 27, 2008

satan's influence

Don't you think that Satan just loves Halloween and the lengths people go to celebrate it? Everywhere you turn Satan's influence and image are all around us. People view all this as innocent fun, that it isn't evil or associated with evil. I cannot get over parents who dress their babies up as devils, goblins, etc. It is not cute or innocent fun! Many people question the reality of Satan, even some Christians, but he is real, we know b/c the Bible tells us. We had better wake up - we are in a spiritual battle, not just for this time on the earth, but for eternity, for our souls. It is war people!!! Greater than any physical war. A war between darkness (Satan) and light(JESUS). Our society portrays Satan as a goofy, little, red man, with horns and a pitch fork or the opposite way : horrible creature, evil eyes, etc. Stephen King novels and slasher movies are filled with these kind of images. In a national survey people were aske dif Satan was real? 47% who responded were associated with evangelical churches and 65% of mainline Protestants said no - are they serious????? Satan must be loving this. How deceived are some people! Christians : READ YOUR BIBLES!!!!! Ezekiel 28 describes the true identity of Satan before his fall ( look it up if u are curious or don't remember) Satan was the most beautiful creature created by God, but yet his pride took over and he rebelled, thus leading all creatin into a deadly spiritual war. One which he will never win, but he will try to bring as many people down with him as possible, and from the looks of this world, it is a lot. Study the names of Satan in the Bible. Just a couple : "Ruler of this world" John 12:31 " Father of Lies" John 8:44 "Murderer" John 8:44 Satan's Stategies include : Doubt, Difficulties, Self-Sufficiency,False Teaching, Confusion I could elaborate on these and give verses and explain further, but not time for that currently. If you want more info just ask. Reality of Demons : I beleive Deoms exist just as Satan does. The Bible affirms it. Matthew 10:1, Matt. 12:22-29, Matt 15:22-28, Mark 5:1-16, Luke 10:17 All the writers of the New Testament except Hebrewsmention demons. Even the OT talks about them. Demons possess intelligence (Mark 1:24), emotions (Luke 8:28; James 2:19) , a free will (Luke 8:32), a personality (Luke 8:27-30). Can also possess superhuman strength at times, see Mark 5:1-18 Our summed up victory from God is found in James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." We must be prepared for battle. I am out of time but will continue with the background on ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, etc. If no one reads it, thats okay, I am doing what I feel led to do. Photobucket

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