Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ear Infections

Brock is back to his normal self and will complete his medicine on Friday. Yesterday afternoon, Keira started screaming and crying about her ear, so off to the doctor. Of course, she has an ear infection. But, on the bright side, it was caught early, so she won't be in to much pain. It seems we are dealing with ear infections quite often. I wish Dr. Blevins would have sent us on to the ear specialist and get it over with. Once fall/winter rolls around and they get another cold, then the cycle will repeat itself. Funny thing as Keira and I left the doctors office, we were the last ones to leave the building, besides 2 nurses and the doctor, plus they were running 2 hours behind. Fun Stuff! Nurse Candy says "see you in 2 weeks" and I replied " Actually, you will see us next Tuesday" and we all laughed. Remember, I was there last week with Brock. So I will be visiting with them 4 weeks straight. Not complaining, b/c it could always be worse or some other condition. Dr. Blevins came in the room (which tells me he has seen way too much of us) and first thing he says is" Your hair is different, isn't it?" Why, yes Dr. Blevins. "Is it shorter?" Yes, Dr. plus some color, and it is straight. You had to be there, I guess. But it was kinda funny! I feel like I am really getting to know Dr. and Nurse Candy. I should invite them to Keira's birthday party in a few weeks. HA!!!


Tothblog said...

I finally asked our pediatrician if we could meet with the ENT. We were just like you. I don't think Maddie was off of antibiotics for 3 months, and we visited the doctor's office weekly. It's no fun. I hope the kiddos feel better soon.

Tara said...

Poor babies! It sounds like you all have had it rough at your house! Those ear infections are never fun. I hope it ends soon. That is too funny about the doctor! I think you should invite them to the party, they would think it was hoot!