Thursday, June 26, 2008

Feeling Better

I know I stated in a previous post that Brock has an ear infection, but I didn't tell how sick he has been all week. It all started 2am Monday morning and the baby did absolutely nothing but lay in my lap all day and night. He didn't sleep for 3 nights and would not eat anything, only taking fluids. It was so sad to see him feeling so terrible. After the doctor visit wed. morning and finally getting antibiotics going, he was feeling much better today. I was able to put him down and he slept on his own. However, he still wouldn't eat, until Keira brings out chocolate. That's my boy. Keira and I were playing the Wii and I turn around and he had gotten into the Russell Stover box and obviously loved what he found. I was just glad to see him eating something.

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1 comment:

Renea said...

That's a man after my own heart! I don't blame ya buddy--go for the good stuff!