Saturday, April 04, 2009

Southwest Point Egg Hunt

I decided to take the kids to SWP for the egg hunt. While driving I thought I probably need a helper. Thankfully, Papaw to the rescue. Glad I did. Both kids at first where not sure and Keira was even crying once the hunt began. Once Papaw showed Brock what to do, he was grabbing eggs as fast as he could. I guess it was overwhelming to them with so many people around and tight quarters at the beginning. Yes, my kids are odd when it comes to certain situations. Don't Ashlee and Papaw look excited waiting on the signal to start.
Yes, we had a shotgun start. LOL
My boy just not sure about what is about to happen!
Finding eggs! They loved opening them and seeing what was inside Photobucket
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Mamaw Leffew said...

Only in Kingston would someone fire off a gun to start an event for small children!:)

Tara said...

That comment is too funny! I think I saw Ashley (Radford) in one of those pics. Brad and I went to school with her. I cant wait to do an egg hunt with Connor this year!

Kandi said...

Yes, that is Ashlee Radford. We played ball against each other and together in AAU. I also was her assistant coach at Cherokee after I had Keira.