Thursday, April 09, 2009


Not any pics today, just a quick update on the past week.  Tax season is almost over, thank goodness.  I don't know how much more we could endure.  My kids (especially Keira) are really acting out since Brandon is away so much.  He has been working 7 days a week and sometimes does not get home in time to see them before bed.  Brock is still too little to really understand that daddy is working and gone all the time.  Keira has been vocalizing her heartache of missing daddy.  This week at pre-school, she cried both days I dropped her off, and I mean a terrible, wretching cry, wanting to stay with me.  The teacher had to pick her up and carry her to the room.  Tuesday morning I felt so guity leaving her, but by 10 the teacher called me and said she was fine and the crying didn't last long.  She thought I made the best decision of leaving her.   It didn't feel like it, but I know it was.   Even at chuch on wed nights she cried for me to stay, and I have caved here the past 2 wed.  I feel so bad for her, and it is hard to see her so upset.   Of course, my sweet hubby tells me the kids play me all the time.  They probably do and I am a sucker to some extent :)
Brock hasn't been as difficult as Keira, it is just that he is becoming more and more independent and wants things his way, right then.  He has absolutely no patience and being in a car with him is punishment.  Shopping, eating out, basically anything besides being at home or outside, is some form of punishment.  Don't think I am kidding here.  Many times in the car I regret ever going anywhere.  I know this to shall pass, as every stage does with them, but my goodness, if they were not my own flesh and blood, they would drive me crazy.  HA!!  Venting frustration here.  Some of the things Brock has done the past couple weeks :
1.  He has complete meltdowns while shopping.  It is the embarrasing kind that people look at you in shock or sorrow, not sure which.  In Michaels last week, I let him pick out a pack of stickers, well he wanted 4, I said "No" and laid the packs down, complete meltdown.  It was awful.  I wonder why I go anywhere! 
2.  He took my underwear and throws them in the air and they land in the toilet.  I was doing my hair and unaware this was happening until I hear "Uh-oh" and turn to see him dragging them out of the commode.  
3.  He dumps doritios all over the kitchen floor, sits down and begins eating.
4.  I had to climb to the top of the play area at Chick-fil-A since he wouldn't come down or slide down.   I told Keira to pick him up and put him on the slide and push him, but that never worked, so up my big tush goes to retrieve him.
5.  He likes to flush the toilet several times in a row
6.  He likes to run naked after bath and then pee anywhere he can
7.  He locked himself in my car today with the keys in it, luckily we were at home and the other keys are in the house
This boy is always into something or looking for something to destroy.  But I love him completely and the verse Children are a gift from God keeps rolling in my thoughts.  I pray that the Lord will use these 2 kids for His kingdom and shape their attitudes and personalitys for His Glory.  So, only 6 more days and our lives wil go back to "normal" with daddy being home more.  

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