Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brock's haircut

Poor Ms.Kim had to get in the floor and cut Brock's hair. He was fighting us in the chair and she suggested letting him play and she would cut. That worked for the most part, but he was not happy. He also did not like the puppy dog cape!
I had to hold him down so she could get around the neck and ears. He was so mad at us!!
I am guessing Keira took this pic. Even after it was over he was still upset. At least Grammie looks happy!! Ms. Kim got a big tip from mommy today, she deserved it. Photobucket
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Tothblog said...

Poor guy! I haven't taken Maddie since her 1st birthday! I'm afraid she will come home and try it herself.

Tara said...

Oh how funny! He was not having that at all...I havent taken Connor since he was 10 months old. I have been doing it on my own but I think it is time for a professional! I usually give him a sucker but then it ends up with hair stuck all in it. Fun times!