Saturday, February 07, 2009

Pantry organization

Brock being silly! This container isn't that big, it is just that he is that little!
Mamaw Sherry came up and we re-organized our pantry. We forgot to take a before pic - it was pretty bad! This is a completely different order than before. All my cookbooks were on the bottom in containers and all the snacks were on the bottom shelf. Now the cookbooks are on the very top and the snacks are on the sides. Drinks will go on the floor. All the chips are in a container and all the kids juices/ chocolate milk are in another contianer. I want bore you with the rest of the details. HA!! My next project is the kids bathroom - to re-decorate that is.
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1 comment:

Tara said...

I am in the middle of projects myself. Pantry organization is a good one to start, although if you are like me it will be back to the old way in no time. Good luck with the projects!