Monday, February 09, 2009


What a wonderful day Sunday was. Church was great! The weather was beautiful! Wonderful family time! Who could ask for more? We took advantage of the day and played outside. The kids rode bikes, jumped on the trampoline, played basketball, see-sawed, swinged, hit baseball, and just enjoyed the day. Brock got so mad and pitched a huge fit when he was brought inside to get ready for nap. I am going to have my hands full when spring and summer arrive trying to keep him inside. Keira made the family some valentine smores in the oven, with teddy grahams, marshmallow, and chocolate. So good!!
Yet again, eating more chocolate. She is an addict!!
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Tara said...

You are getting very good at the picture taking! Great shots of your beautiful kiddos! Good luck on the running and YOU CAN DO IT! If I can, then anyone can! Good luck with the 5K. That was our goal too and then I decided to do the 1/2 marathon. Am I crazy or what?!

Mamaw Leffew said...

The pictures look great!