Monday, February 02, 2009

Another Snow Day

The kids and I bundled up this afternoon and played outside. Keira loves to throw snowballs at me and we had so much fun together.
Brock playing in the sand! All the snow to play in and he wants to play in the sandbox. He threw some snowballs also and fell a couple times in the yard. By the way - Ballet class has come to an end for Keira. She made it to 3 classes and says she doesn't like it and wants to go back to gymnastics.
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The Deakins said...

What great pics! your new camera is awesome, can really tell a difference in the upclose ones!!! So good!!!

Tara said...

Yaaahhh! You guys got more snow! Fun! At least if it has to be this cold you can get some snow to go with it.