Friday, May 30, 2008

Batting Practice

Keira is really into batting right now and we have to do this every night. She is actually good at it and we have tried to show her the proper way to stand, swing, etc but she claims to know all this and frankly she isn't too far off. This just comes natural to her.....must get it from me. HA!!!!
The shirt came off due to juice split on it, just be glad the rest of her clothes stayed on.
I love the intensity and how focused she becomes when attempting anything in sports.
Obviously not happy about how she hit the ball. You will do better next time slugger! Around 8:30 I tried to get her to go inside, but she refused saying she needed to practice. She kept saying "But mom.." which is her new thing to tell me, but after a little spanking she changed he mind.
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