Monday, May 12, 2008

11 months

Brock turned 11 months on Sunday. How time flies! I feel like I was just in the hospital having him. He is learning so many new things each day. He is ready to walk but not yet balanced enough, he tries to say so many words and is a snuggler. He is very social and will let most anyone hold him. He adores Keira and looks at her with such affection. He just brings so much joy to our family. Now the only things I cannot figure out about him is this: he will not hold his bottle, will not drink from a cup, and will not eat food. How many 11 months old do you know that will not do these simple tasks. Sometimes I think, well why would he want to hold a bottle, when he has someone to do it for him. The food issue it what stumps me. He will turn his head and gets mad, I end up shoving things into his mouth and he acts like he doesn't like it or gags. I don't know what to do. We go to the doctor Tuesday so I have plenty of questions for him. Other than these things, life is easy with him.
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Barbara said...

He is such a cute little man! :) It looks like things are very green down your way! I bet the kids are looking forward to summer and playing outside! I love their little car! My brother and I used to have one when were were kids too :)

Tara said...

He is such a cutie pie! I feel for you with the food thing. I am glad that Connor isnt the only one with weird quirks like that. Right now he is going through something similar and pitches a fit when you try to put him in his high chair. He used to be such a good eater, now it is hard to get him to eat anything nutritious.