Monday, December 22, 2008

Early Christmas

This past Sunday the kids and I surprised my mom by going to her church to hear her sing in the choirs performance. She did an excellent job singing her solo. Too bad I inherited no musical ability from her. We then went to her house for lunch and to open gifts since my step-dad would be in TN. Long story about that - my mom splits her time between here and Georgia, they have 2 homes now. Anyways.......
Brock opening one of his cars up. He also got the big car mat, which he loves.
Keira (and her serious face) with Dora , Brock also loved this gift. He thought it should be his. He is still in love with Dora.
She had asked for a scooter awhile back since all the neighborhood kids have them. Grammie and Papaw Gary came through with a Princess scooter. I better get the band-aids ready. We told her she has to wear a helmet, which I am sure will be a battle. Keira can't wait for Christmas Eve and Day with all our families. She asks every night " When I get up, will it be Christmas?" I remind her everday why we celebrate. JESUS!!!!!! On a sad note : I had set the camcorder on the beginning of Keira's school "play" to show my mom and forgot I did that, I gave the camera to Brandon to tape the kids opening gifts and yep we taped over it. I was so sick at my stomach, I could have cried. The parts of them singing is still on the tape but it completely covered the performance. I hope another mother at the school will be kind enought make me a copy of their footage. I won't see them until after school starts back up. It still makes me almost cry to think about what I did. Photobucket
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1 comment:

Tara said...

Cute pics! Dont feel so bad, I am sure that I would have done exactly the same thing! Surely another mom will have pity and give you a copy! Have a wonderful Christmas!