Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tap I

Keira and Ms. Hannah
I absolutely loved Tap I costumes. Keira has done well in tap and loves her teacher. The teacher is very energetic and outgoing, she makes the kids laugh and makes it fun for them.
This was my first experience doing a dance recital, never in my life did I picture myself at something like this, meaning having a child in it and working backstage. I have seen a few dance shows of my family members. You really don't get an appreciation for all the hard work and time put into a show until you have been backstage among the chaos. It is crazy at times, people yelling for this and that, trying to get the dancers changed into the next costumes, making sure you have the correct color tights, correct hair piece in, making sure it is secure, making sure shoes are right, hair and make-up done just right, and the list could go on. One of the more difficult challenges with the younger dancers, age 3-5, is keeping them occupied until the end of the show for the final bows. Can seem like an eternity at this point. It was an experience for me and I am so thankful for all the other mothers who took the time to answer questions and help me as needed. I couldn't have survived without them. For us newcomers, it is overwhelming and we appreciated the veterans helping us. Without them, it would have been like sending the sheep out among the wolves. Thank you ladies for everything!!!

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