Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our new addition

Today we welcomed PayDay into our family. Daddy gave in to his little girl, as I knew he would, and got her a kitten. We got him at Youns William Center in Knoxville. Payday was the name given by the shelter and the other day Keira decided to change it to Victory, which we all liked, and we had no clue where it came from. My first thought was the song, Victory in Jesus, and then someone suggested Victory was a proper name since she had achieved "victory" over her daddy. LOL On the way home this morning, she changed it back to PayDay and so far this has stuck. We made a mistake taking the kids to the shelter to bring him home, they cried and whined the first 20 minutes wanting him out of the carrier and to hold him. No way was he getting on our leather seats in the Cadillac. Daddy was ready to blow a fuse....ha ha I gave them juice and finally peace and quiet. We made it home and Lucky, our 10 yr old cat, was not happy. No fighting or anything, just "growling" at him and she stayed behind the couch most of the day.
Poor payday has no idea what he is in for in at the Looney Leffew house. Keira has hardly set him down all day and we have repeatedly told her he needs to be down. For one thing, he is sore from being fixed, plus shots, and he also has a microchip. I was amazed at the questions we had to answer on the application page and then had to watch a dvd before they let us take him home. The hubby was was so happy to do this!
Keira is beyond thrilled and has told me how happy she is to have a kitten. She has had him in the shopping buggy pushing him around and such, wrapped up in blankets, etc. Needless to say Lucky has never let my kids do anything with her, but I don't blame her. She doesn't want any of us to really hold payday and poor Brock has to pick him up and then hand him over to sissy. I felt kind bad for Brock today, he thought we were bringing home a puppy. He was so sweet saying it and I wish we could have, sort of, no, not really. We said maybe in a couple yrs or 3, or 4....when he gets older. Brandon hates cats so bad, he tried to talk me into a puppy after looking at the cats, and b/c he is allergic to them. However, Lucky han't bothered him, and so far so good with PayDay. Thank goodness! We really don't want to break Keira's heart by having to get rid of him. Cats are just so much easier than a puppy. Photobucket
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Rachel said...

He's a doll! Keira and Brock will have such fun with him!

The Clifton Family said...

Everyone in my house is allergic to our cat, Carlee, except me! The boys love her and also abuse her... but she allows it and is so gentle with them. I am sure Payday will be that way as well being raised with them. We did have to have her declawed after an episode with the leather couch, though. (Just an idea!)

Mamaw Leffew said...

Seeing the look in Keira's eyes are worth more than words can express! I'm happy to welcome little "Payday" into our family.

Tara said...

Oh how cute! I always wanted a kitten growing up and never got one. My parents werent as nice as you guys! LOL Now I am not a fan of cats so I guess it rubbed me the wrong way. I am so behind on my blogs. Glad to see everything is well with you guys!