Friday, June 05, 2009

is church boring to you?

As I was driving in Knoxville  the other day, I saw this chuch van with this question on it - is church boring to you?  Obviously, they are advertising their church and I cannot recall the correct name of the church.  It has a website, which was plastered on the van and it was something like, New Life or Abundant Life.  I cannot remember due to the fact I was struck by this question.  I have thought about this daily.   What is this church promoting?  What is so different about their church?  Is it that exciting?   As I have thought and thought on this, I cannot get past the fact that if the True Gospel is being presented in a church, then how can anyone be bored?   The Gospel is anything but boring!!  Which leads me to wonder, what is being preached in most churches today?  Sad to say, alot of churches are not preaching the complete Word.  We have everything from God doesn't send anyone to Hell, to Hell doesn't exist, to God wants you to be happy, healthy, and wise or name it and claim it mentality.  Or that there is other ways to heaven besides Jesus!  Off my soapbox and back to that question.....what are people seeking today?  Is it only entertainment, uplifitng services, mainly praise and worship services, mainly stage productions, big lights and a "show" ???   
Our world has become an enterianment driven society.  We think we have to be amused, have to have lights, camera, and action all the time.  We get upset if our computer doesn't function fast enough, if we have to wait on anything that makes us be still or takes up our precious time.  We are a fast paced, on the go, can't slow down society.  This has rolled over into church.  How many more people show up for services which is mainly singing or a play.  What about those special times we have for fellowship.  We always tend to have a larger crowd for that.  I am weary of churches that have praise and worship for 45 minutes and only 10 minutes of preaching.  How many "believers" are in these churches who think they are saved, but really may not be.  We know this is the truth, the bible tells us so.  If you watch older children(some) in services, they act like they are bored out of their minds.  Are we doing a disservice to our kids by having them in too many programs and not in church service to hear the word preached?  Don't get me wrong, I am all for children's ministrys and what they do, but I don't want my children growing up thinking they have to be entertained everytime they are in a church.  
How many churches are just "entertaining" people and not preaching the gospel?  What kind of "New Life or Abundant Life is being presented?   If more Christians read and studied the Bible, they would find their source of entertainment is present every single second of life.  He lives in us, if we are saved.  What more do we need??

1 comment:

Renea said...

How true. I have thought about the same thing so many times. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful church that preaches the entire word of God. I agree 100%--if the gospel is being preached, how can anyone be bored?