Sunday, May 17, 2009


Mamaw and I took Keira to her t-ball game saturday morning. The day we left for vacation was suppose to be the last game she got to play in b/c I went and sat down after standing in the field behind her, and she started crying. Brandon got onto her and said she was finished playing. Well, I asked her this past week if she wanted to play, and she said "yes." I talked daddy into giving her another try. She didn't want daddy or papaw to come to her game, so Brandon said that was fine with him. He was still kinda not happy that I wanted to let her play after we told her no more. But, she is only 3! So, off we went. She played great!!! She hit the ball well, fielded awesome!!
Keira's coaches let Brock join in the fun. He did not bat, but played the field. He loves it! He was giving five's to the coaches and saying "ready." He actually chased down one ball before the older kids beat him to it. This one will have no problems playing. I did stand in the outfield this game, but was able to sit down and Keira was fine. She is still so attached at the cord!!!
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1 comment:

Tara said...

Adorable pics!