Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Having an older sis means.....

You get to dress up like she does! Brock loves to do what sissy does and anytime the dress-up clothes come out, his clothes come off and the pink goes on. It is so funny!! I wish I had a pic of him in just one of the skirts, that is hilarious. He runs around with the skirt doing whatever, jumping, climbing - which I think he has learned it is hard to climb in a skirt. They crack me up!!
She was doing a cheer!!
I was getting ready one day and he goes into the closet and comes out with these shoes. I said "Go show Daddy" He walks (as bet a boy can in heels) and shows Brandon, and all I hear is "Son, what are you doing?" "Get those off" I just laugh and laugh. Photobucket
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Tara said...

That is so hilarious because it reminds me of my childhood! You see, I WAS the big sis who also dressed my brother in all of my ballet tutus, dresses, heels and even makeup! Ha! My parents eventually had to talk to me about letting him be more of a boy than a girl. Ha! Good luck with that. The pictures are so cute. I really treasure all of those pics of my brother now. It is great blackmail material!

The Clifton Family said...

You know they have superhero dress up clothes. I know what I am getting poor Brock for his birthday, now! He will hate those pictures when he is older! Save one for the senior annual!