Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We have entered the world of the arts, which mommy knows nothing about. I have no musical, artistic, or dance ability. Keira loves music and dance so I asked her if she would like to do dance or gymnastics and the answer was dance. However, Sunday I mentioned I am going to have to learn how to put her hair up in a bun, which has become an issue with her, she doesn't want a bun at all. She responds that dance is boring and she wants to go back to gymnastics. HA!! We will see what happens saturday morning. I got in trouble last week for taking pictures. Seriously - I got called out by the other teacher and she informed me it is illegal to take pics because other studios may try to copy their choregraphy. I almost laughed at her b/c I am thinking if you are copying 3 and 4yr old choregraphy, especially when I have not seen one student do anything correctly yet, then you got problems. LOL And all this other insurance stuff about posting pics on the internet with other kids in them, etc. Well, I did manage a few pics :)
Keira doing who knows what? Mommy cannot remember the moves - much less the names of them. Does my princess have the ballet figure or what?
Circle time to begin class and stretching Keira and Alyssa started the same day, which was great. Keira is the type that does better if she knows someone else rather than trying a new thing by herself. We also discovered that a little girl from her school is in the class too, she was so excited to see her the first day. I won't mention her name, for insurance purposes. HA!! I will be surprised if Keira wants to stick with this, but she might. Photobucket
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Tothblog said...

Marty and I are cracking up. Since when did ballet become competitive? And insurance?? Did they just make that up?

Pam said...

This reminds me of Jenna. She also tried danced at this age. She lasted 1 month. She just kept wanting to talk to the teacher about her dog...the teacher was not amused. There was no talking in ballet so Jenna decided it wasn't for her.

Tara said...

Aww! I loved ballet when I was younger and did it for several years. The first picture reminds me of a picture I had in my room once. A bunch of little ballerinas lined up in front of the pole. So cute!