Thursday, September 25, 2008

It only took 2 months.......

For Keira not to cry every single time she goes to "school." The past 3 times she has been, she has not shed one tear or said, "Can you stay with me all day." She only asks "Can I give you a big hug and sugar?" My baby has finally come to the conclusion that I will return to pick her up in the afternoon and she has so much fun! She talks about her new friends and sings us songs she has learned and also mimics the teacher. I was putting on crocs the other morning and she said "Ms. Kim said we need to wear tennis shoes, not sandals" So, she must be listening very well. I consider this a breakthrough because she happily goes now and also is happy about going on Wed. evening to Awanas at church. The first night I had to stay with her. We are so proud of her for saying her verses to Ms. Terri. She had to memorize 2 verses for last night and I had a difficult time getting her to practice with me and I just knew she didn't know them, but she did. She received her first Cubbie ( her club name for her age group) book last night and was so proud. It is so much fun to watch her be excited about learning and interacting with her little friends. Photobucket

1 comment:

Tara said...

This is great news... for her and YOU!