Monday, February 18, 2008


Keira has been acting like a baby at times: wanting a bib on, crawling, wanting her cup to be fed to her like a bottle, you get my drift. It is funny and I let her be, since this will only last for awhile.
Both of the kids are feeling better but still the sympoms of a cold are lingering. I kept them out of the church nursery yesterday and wish I could keep them isolated until spring. It has been one thing after another since Christmas with colds, virus, and ear infections. I know things could be worse, I am just ready for them to be well. Keira complained last night of a headache, first time for this, and my mind wanders with what ifs? I know worry is a sin, but it's hard not to when your babies are not feeling good. And being paranoid does nothing either. I just pray for the flu season to be over and everyone( friends an family that are sick) to get better.
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