Thursday, July 12, 2012

May 2012

                                                        Baby Dedication at church

Keira's zoo field trip

Awana award night

Going to Brock's preschool program

I know some of my posts may be out of order - blame it on having half a brain currently.  May was an event filled month.  Kids had tball and softball going on. Keira was still in dance and had to prepare for dance recital. Which she claims that she is finished with dance next fall. I think she is just bored in ballet, and honestly, I would be too. On Mother's Day, we dedicated Kylie to the Lord and signed a pledge saying we will raise her up in the way of the Lord.  Such a special day to me, all 3x we have gotten to do this. The kids had their awana award night. Brock finished up Cubbies and Keira is in Sparks. So proud of them. Keira went trhu 2 books and kept asking for a 3rd one. That is alot of memory verses to say!  
The hubby and I got to go on Keira's zoo field trip. She was thrilled! Usually it is just me that goes, but having daddy go is icing on the cake to the kids. I think they sometimes get enough of me, so to speak, and it just makes it extra special when daddy attends.  Keira also had her end of the year events at school and we all got to attend Brock's preschool program. We have decided not to send him to Kindergarten this fall and give him another year.  Lets just say that he doesn't care fro academics. Not that he can't do it, but he just could care less. I really have to stay on top of him about this. Keira was so easy and loved it! She just took off so early with academics, but Brock is all boy, and could care less. He sees no reason to learn the alphabet, write, or read. He even tells us he will just figure things out...........oh, my!  Watch him turn out to be a 4.0 


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