Thursday, July 12, 2012

Colic - 3 months of crying

By looking at the pictures, one would never guess that this sweet, tiny bundle of love could cry for hrs, would they? Well, truth is......she can and did.  This was our first experience with colic and it wasn't that bad, but bad enough.  It is a terrible feeling as a parent when you cannot console your child. It always began in the late afternoon/early evening and lasted hrs.  Then, to top it off she began having stomach issues. It was painful for her and painful to watch as nothing was helping. I tried gas drops, gripe water, all kinds of positions, bicycle her legs, etc. Nothing helped!  Finally, at her 2 month check-up, the dr determined she had reflux. Well, this is new to us, also. First 2 did not have this either. Kylie does not spit-up and never crossed my mind that reflux could be an issue. I was told they don't have to spit-up to have reflux, which explained alot of her pain.  So, we began zantac and within a few days, a new baby emerged, well, colic was still around, but hey, you just learn to live with it.  Amazingly, Keira and Brock did well and just went with it. Her crying never woke them at night and din't bother them. I guess it helps that we have sound machines going in each kids room.  A must in my parenting book. I started Kylie with one as soon as we came home from hospital.  After hearing others tell their colic stories, I realized ours wasn't as bad. I think me being older and more patience and knowing what to expect with a newborn, it just didn't bother me.
To top colic off, true to form for Leffew babies, she hates the car. Screams as soon as she is put in the carseat. The entire ride is non-stop screaming.  Obviously, I didn't leave the house with her unless it was necessary. Believe it or not, the other 2 kids accepted it and just dealt with it. Love them!  A few car rides I thought the hubby might open the door and jump, but he survived.

Once she went to bed for the night, it was easy. She got up every 2-3 hrs to eat and then before long was sleeping longer stretches.  Then, she started sleeping 8-10 hrs. I will take the screaming during the day, rather then night.  Another Leffew baby trait - she fights naps!  But, crying doens't bother me and I actually began to lay her down and let her cry some.  Most times she went to sleep within 5 minutes. Sometimes, I had to get her and settle her down. But, I won't complain about sleeping, she has done great. By #3 it just doesn't phase you to let them cry or put their self to sleep.  She has slept in her bassinet beside the bed and takes naps in her crib. I refuse to sleep with her, as I made that huge mistake with #1 and still pay for it as I am still in the bed with her. Yes, hubby gets a king bed all to himself.

Also, at her 2 month visit, I compared her stats with the other 2 and she was 3 pounds lighter and almost 3 inches shorter! I could hardly believe it.  Ha.  Brock and Keira weighed exactly the same and were the same length. Maybe she is going to be petite...................

Did the colic end?   Thank you, Lord!  YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After 3 months old, she became a different baby. Happy, smiling girl.  She is pretty easy now and we have our routines down as family of 5. Also, the car rides are wonderful now as crying has ceased and she even goes to sleep.  When can I have baby number 4?  HA HA


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