Pool party with family and friends
Morning of July 27
Celebrate with grandparents
On July 27th, 2005, we welcomed our first blessing, Keira! My, how our lives changed as we became parents for the first time. It has been a journey the past 7 yrs as we have tried our best to be the parents God calls us to be. Not only trying to talk, but to walk the walk in front of her. Kids are like sponges, absorbing EVERYTHING, even when we think they are not, they are. Time and time again, I am reminded of this. Keira is a very intelligent, unique, little girl. She is a natural at many things - loves to sing and dance, loves to perform, loves to play sports, and loves to be a boss, ha ha. Oh, my first born! She wants to be in charge and thinks she is much older than she is. She is quiet and shy at first around new people. She has her own style when it comes to fashion, and I have stopped harping about it so much, unless it is necessary for me to intervene. Keira is very strong-willed and stubborn, not sure who she acquires that trait from.........yes, if, you guessed me, then you are right. I have only learned to handle mine better with the Lord's help and guidance. So, we have many, many battles with this child. I pray that the Lord will mold her personality for His use. I also pray for wisdom when it comes to training her up. It would be so easy to just throw our hands up and give in to her, but, we know that is not the best choice. As hard as it is, we must be consistent and keep on keeping on. We may not see fruits of our parenting in the present, but we pray we are on the right path and that her future will be bright. I love this girl of mine and wouldn't trade her for anything in this world. On the other hand, she can be the sweetest thing and is a great helper. She is a perfectionist and I can't tell you how many times in her school work she erases things because it wasn't perfect in her eyes. Her teacher has told me she went through several erasers. She likes to organize and loves to do lists and loves to check things off her lists. It has been a great journey watching her the past 7 yrs watching her grow and change. We look forward to continuing this adventure. What a blessing she is!!