Friday, November 06, 2009


This was a great photo opp, but of course, neither kid wanted to pose! Yes, I am a little behind and out of order with my posts, my birthday post should have went before the Cades Cove post, oh well. Life is like that sometimes, out of order! Here at the Looney Leffew's it is at times. I have more pics of cades cove, but am not going to post them. I wish I had more time to sit and play in Photoshop, but who has that much extra time? So, mostly you see my uneditied versions. This is Dollywood and boy did we have fun. The kids got cranky around 3, Brock missed his nap, and Keira was just tired. But, they so enjoyed it.
Keira and Brock both won these toys playing some toss a ball game. They were so proud! Mommy won them basketballs earlier, but this was special.
Mamaw and I had to take a ride with the kids. Neither one of us like heights and the kids were trying to rock in the seat, lean forward and look over the rail, causing more anxiety for us. These 2 surprised me wanting to ride some the rides. I really thought Keira would be more apprehensive with some rides, but she wasn't. She did have a meltdown at the bumper cars, when she learned she couldn't drive, that I would be driving. We were finding a car and the lady told us I had to drive. We promptly found the exit as Keira was in tears and no longer wanted to ride! Brock had a meltdown on the rollercaoster because he had to be measured to make sure he could ride, he was not happy and was trying to run to the coaster and get a seat before she could measure him. Thankfully, he was tall enough to ride!

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