First Time in LakeAs far as we could tell she liked floating. She is waving to us on the bank.
Pool Play
Memorial Day
First day at the lake. Here she is watching the boats and jet skis go by. Once again, no expression really, just made this face. We assume as long as she isn't fussy she must be enjoying things.
Monday, May 29, 2006
King's IslandSaturday after Jenna's games we went to King's Island. Keira rode a few rides and was a trooper the entire afternoon and evening. She was exhausted but never gave in to sleep,and never whimpered once. We were amazed. She finally gave it up close to 9.
Pool Time!First time in the pool and it took a few minutes for her to like it. She cried and then once she figured out it was like the bathtub, started splashing and kicking.
Daddy & Keira
Here Keira is looking at an animal and as you can see shows no expression and this was her face all day, but we know she loved it. she wanted to look at everything.
The ZooWe went to Cincinnati Memorial Day weekend for Jenna'a AAU tourney. Friday we spent the day at the zoo and Keira loved it. She would watch every animal and seeing her eyes take it all in was a sight. She even called and motioned at some of the animals. Mamaw and Papaw Leffew went also and we all enjoyed our trip.I did more camcorder than pic taking so i don't have any really good pics to post of the zoo.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Standing Around
This outfit was so cute on her, it was smiling flowers.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Keira loves to make a mess and she is throwing her snacks all over the floor.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Mother's Day.
Keira was dedicated to the Lord at church this morning.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Keira is now 9 1/2 months old. In this pic she is dancing to the bunny that sings a song and moves. She is more aware of music and claps or rocks along with it.